My Little Bird Book

Yes, I'm working on yet another art journal. But this one is different. My sisters, daughters, and nieces will be the participating artists. I'll try to post their books and pages along with mine as we progress.
I think my totum must be a little bird. I have the strongest affinity for them; I have no need to catalogue or categorize them, but I just enjoy watching them as the chirp away all day long as they go about their business. They're so chipper (some might say chirpy LOL). A little wren established a nest right by my front door, above the frame; a titmouse started a nest in a decorative birdhouse I've had outside forever.
If you look around my house you'd notice bird images in every room, all brought in quite by accident and without any plan to developing such a collection. And because my dear grandmother was also fond of birds, and that is a big connection I have with the women in my family, I thought the flock could add avian images to my new journal.
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